NCAA Football Betting Rules and Regulations

by | Oct 17, 2014 | Betting

With the NCAA football-playing season well underway, now is a great time to go over the rules and regulations you need to be aware of before you place a bet on your favorite team. Keeping these in mind can help make your money and your time work better to your advantage.

The Basics
One of the cardinal rules you need to remember is that the game is not official until 55 minutes of it have been successfully played. This might not seem like it is an important item of note, but it can be if you have a bet on a game that happens to be called due to unforeseen circumstances, such as severe weather. Though you might be disappointed if your bet does not pay out as you envisioned due to the game being declared as ‘No Action’ or ‘Push/Cancel’ you can console yourself with the fact that your money will be refunded to you.

Other Factors to Keep in Mind
Unless there is official word, the game must take place at the time and location specified in order for the bets to count. Another item to keep in mind is that unless it is specifically noted, all NFL regulations and rules apply during NCAA games. For rules that are not addressed, Las Vegas rules are followed.

Betting Specifics
When you bet on the money line, spread during the game period or total, either over or under, you need to include overtime scoring. While betting on the second half of the game, defined as that period of time after half time, overtime scores are included. Fourth quarter scores do not include overtime, though. Overtime is also not included when it comes to betting action points on the totals of the game.

By spending a few minutes going over the rules that are specific to betting on NCAA football games, you will be able to have your questions answered. Doing this ahead of time will also allow you to clarify any issues that you do not understand before that big game that you MUST bet on arrives.

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